Hi! Welcome to my website.

Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Lisa Keyes-Fresquez; a Doctor of Natural Medicine, Certified Herbalist, Natural Health Consultant and Psychotherapist.

My story begins with how I struggled with my health for many years, while constantly looking for answers.

Then when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, that really took the rug right out from underneath me. It was by the grace of God, I became determined to find out why! In all my searching, I discovered a Natural Health Practitioner to guide me to the resources and natural health supplements, rather than the traditional medical treatments as my only source. With lifestyle changes, natural supplements, and prayer, I received my miracle without any traditional medical treatments.

In 2001, I knew that God had called me to help others like me, and assist them on their quest to a more natural way of helping their bodies heal. My life passion is to help people to overcome life's physical, emotional, and spiritual health challenges, through one-on-one consultations, seminars, and Church platforms.

I have a significant tool-box of Resources of Cutting-Edge Modality's to assist my clients in how to take charge of their health, to live whole productive lives in all areas.

My newest book, The Keys To Emotional Well-Being, is based on healing the soul and discovering hidden emotions that impact individual health from mental - to - emotional, along with spiritual, and how to release toxic emotions that get stored in the body.

I look forward to meeting you, and seeing how I can be of service to you.
Dr. Lisa Keyes-Fresquez